#lipsuckinghabit #suckinghabit #nomoresucking #digitsucking #orofacialmyofunctionaldisorders #IAOM #CertifiedOrofacialMyofunctionalTherapist

Most patients with dental open bites also have lip incompetence so the tongue provides the anterior seal rather than the lips like in this 8 year old male patient. The goal of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is to achieve lip closure at rest or lip competence which can only occur if the patient can breathe nasally on a consistent basis. Once the nasal airway interference is resolved via an ENT and an Allergist evaluation, OMT can teach patients to keep their lips to stay closed and the tongue to rest in the roof of the mouth in order to restore harmony and counteract the damage caused by poor oral rest posture. OMT does not take the place of orthodontics but helps the orthodontist in achieving successful orthodontic treatment. IAOM Certified Orofacial Myofunctional Therapists are trained to help orthodontists achieve stable orthodontic results.
Dr. Honor Franklin is an IAOM Certified Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist at Honor Franklin Myofunctional & Speech Clinic call 972-233-1312 to set a consultation.
The International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM) is the leader in Orofacial Myology/Myofunctional Therapy.
The IAOM is a international professional organization that was founded in 1971 and is devoted to providing information, resources, and support for professionals, families, and patients who seek information, guidance, research, and therapy services for Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) which has also been referred to as “tongue thrust”.
The IAOM Mission is to improve the health of the public by advancing the art and science of Orofacial Myology by means of:
As the professional organization dedicated to the advancement of techniques to remediate OMDs, the IAOM includes a membership largely derived from the professions of speech-language pathology and dental hygiene and many dental specialists are active and supporting members of the organization. The IAOM is a related professional organization (RPO) with the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA). The IAOM holds an annual convention where clinical papers, research reports, tutorials, and information from members and allied fields are presented and discussed.
Those members desiriing to provide services with OMDs are required to enroll in IAOM sponsored continuing education courses and to successfully navigate through a rigorous supervised clinical process where they must pass a mandatory written and onsite evaluation that can often take years to complete in order to receive the prestigious Certification of Orofacial Myology/ Myofunctional Therapist designated as C.O.M. The IAOM is the ONLY international professional accrediting organization of this therapeutic specialty. Once Certified, C.O.M.s are required to continue pursuing continuing education which is mandatory in order to maintain their Certification status.
The IAOM also supports a peer-reviewd professional journal, The International Journal of Orofacial Myology that publishes an annual issue. The IAOM encourages members to engage in clinical research.
An IAOM directory of membership includes all professionals who ascribe to the principles of the IAOM and those members who have achieved IAOM Certification in Orofacial Myology/Myofunctional Therapy are identified in the IAOM directory as C.O.M. after their names.
Dr. Honor Franklin of Honor Franklin Myofunctional and Speech Clinic has specialized in treating orofacial myofunctional therapy since 1977 and is the Only IAOM Certified Orofacial Myologist/Myofuncitonal Therapist in Dallas and is considered an Expert in this field.
The primary cause of an orofacial myofunctional disorder (OMD) is an open mouth posture or mouth breathing due to nasal structural obstructions and allergies.
It is often difficult to identify a single cause for an orofacial myofunctional disorder. Most disorders involve a combination of factors that may include:
Nasal airway interference – mainly Allergies – are the primary cause of OMDs.
Dr. Honor Franklin is an IAOM Certified Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist at Honor Franklin Myofunctional & Speech Clinic and has an Allergist and ENT on her team who are the best at diagnosing and treating the causes of mouth breathing. Call today for their name and numbers.
Read what other negative effects can occur from mouth breathing.
One of the primary causes of an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD) known as “tongue thrust” is a thumb sucking or finger sucking habit. The orofacial myofunctional disorder or tongue thrust will remain as long as there is a sucking habit. Prolonged non-nutritive sucking habits prevent the tongue from resting on the roof of the mouth and prevent the lips from resting together. It can also result in a dental overjet and openbite and distortion of the face as well as cause speech disorders and learning differences…..A “correct rest posture” is necessary for proper development of the teeth. IAOM Certified Orofacial Myofunctional Therapists like Dr. Honor Franklin at Honor Franklin Myofunctional & Speech Clinic are experts at eliminating sucking habits and her program is based on positive behavior modification and is an ideal alternate treatment for hurtful appliance therapy.
Read more on her website honorfranklin.com.