These Tongue Reminder Habit appliances do not work. You will notice the patient still exhibits an incorrect resting posture of her tongue against or between the teeth and an open mouth rest posture. In an attempt to avoid the punishment of the appliance, she rests her tongue UNDER the appliance thus increasing the vertical freeway space dimension, leading to further posterior eruption and lip incompetence. Tongue Reminder Habit appliances do not close the lips or address nasal airway problems or teach the correct oral rest posture for the tongue. I have found that dentists who still recommend these appliances are unaware that International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM) Certified Orofacial Myofunctional Therapists like Dr. Honor Franklin at Honor Franklin Myofunctional & Speech Clinic orofacial myofunctional therapy is extremely effective in modifying the oral habit problems without the need for punitive appliances! Call 972-233-1312 for elimination of an incorrect oral rest posture of the tongue and lips and no harmful appliances. #nomoretonguereminders
This 20 year old female patient is wearing a “tongue reminder” habit appliance. IS IT WORKING?
October 2020
This 10 year old boy was referred by the excellent orthodontist, Dr. George Dula of Dula Orthodontics.
October 2020
He exhibited an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD) of an open mouth, lips apart resting posture often referred to as Lip Incompetence and can distract from a pleasing facial appearance as seen in the BEFORE photo. The Primary CAUSE of OMDs is nasal airway problems (not a tongue tie). The EFFECT is an open mouth and low resting posture of the tongue resulting in improper orofacial development, misaligned teeth and distorted speech patterns which is why ALL patients of Dr. Honor Franklin at Honor Franklin Myofunctional & Speech Clinic are referred to an Allergist and ENT BEFORE any therapy is ever initiated. A referral to an ENT and Allergist (who understand OMDs) revealed he needed an Adenoidectomy and nasal turbinectomy and had SEVERE allergies requiring allergy medication twice a day and allergy shots!! He couldn’t breathe!! Dr. Franklin never wants to jump in and try to treat the EFFECT(incorrect resting posture) and ignore the CAUSE ( nasal airway problems)! Look at his improved facial appearance after 10 visits over 7 months using the Zickefoose Lip Exerciser-ZLE while performing TWO exercises ONCE a day. He looks healthier and more alert because he can nasally BREATHE 24/7/365! #Musthaveapatentnasalairway