This precious 6 year – 5 month old female patient was referred by the exceptional orthodontist, Dr Hilton Goldreich at Goldreich Orthodontics. She exhibited an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD) of Lip incompetence characterized by a habitual open mouth and low, forward resting posture of her tongue against and between her teeth which can have a negative effect on the development of the dentition, particularly dental eruption patterns and/or alignment of teeth and jaws, can contribute to improper orofacial development and speech patterns may become distorted. After being evaluated by an Allergist and ENT, (she was found to have Perennial Allergic Rhinitis and was put on a daily allergy medication regime to control her allergies), she was enrolled in a Lip Competence Therapy Program created by Dr Honor Franklin of Honor Franklin Myofunctional & Speech Clinic using the Zickefoose Lip Exerciser-ZLE and TWO exercises ONCE a day! No tongue exercises, no swallowing exercises, no busy work. An open mouth posture can pull the corners of the eyes down, cause chapped, puffy lips, a hyperactive mentalis muscle or dimpling in her chin, recessive chin, etc. Look at the improvement in her facial shape, lips and chin due to her hard work and her mother’s excellent support!