Lip biting is another example of an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD) that needs to be eliminated since it can act as a functional orthodontic appliance that can further exacerbate a dental over jet and open bite.
Lip biting is usually caused by unresolved nasal airway issues and/or habit and reduced muscle strength. This clinician only works on habit and reduced muscle strength so depends on the findings of an Allergist and ENT on her team who understand OMDs to determine if it is due to unresolved nasal airway issues or due to habit and reduced muscle strength. She was found to have unresolved nasal airway issues. Since nasal airway issues are the primary cause of OMDs- not tongue tie-no patient is ever allowed to initiate any therapy at this clinic until they have been evaluated by an Allergist and ENT on my team.
