5438 Alpha Road,
Dallas, TX 75240
(972) 233-1312


September 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfranklin @ 3:26 pm


THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF MOUTH BREATHING : Nasal breathing is essential to the normal well-being of the body. Breathing through the nose permits the air to be warmed, moistened and cleansed before it reaches the lungs. In mouth breathers, the preparation for the lungs is lost so that the child becomes susceptible to upper respiratory infections. In addition, the dental apparatus and the delicate growing bony structures of the face are so affected that the face becomes markedly elongated and narrowed because of dropping of the mandible into an open position and because of the constriction of the upper arches and palate. The nostrils become narrowed and pinched from disuse and the facial expression becomes dull and drawn. Note how the corners of the eyes are pulled down, the upper lip has shortened and he has a recessive chin. Nasal airway interferences which can be structural like tonsils or adenoids and/or allergies are the PRIMARY CAUSE of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) with allergies being the more common nasal airway interference over structural nasal obstruction. Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) will NEVER be successful without resolution of nasal airway issues and is why Dr. Honor Franklin at Honor Franklin Myofunctional & Speech Clinic has the best Allergist and ENT on her team who understand Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders and she never initiates any therapy until the ENT and Allergist have determined the patient can achieve a patent nasal airway consistently and the patient cannot remain in therapy unless they are compliant in following the Allergist and ENT’s recommendations. Dr. Franklin is an IAOM CERTIFIED Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist by the International Association of Orofacial Myology who has specialized in orofacial myofunctional disorders for over 40 years and is considered an expert in this field. Check out her website at ww.honorfranklin.com.

Check out her website at ww.honorfranklin.com.

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Mini-Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy…

August 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfranklin @ 11:42 am

Look at the progress this 8 year old girl has made so far after being enrolled in the revolutionary mini-orofacial myofunctional therapy program created by Dr. Honor Franklin at Honor Franklin Myofunctional & Speech Clinicconcentrating on lip competence and nasal breathing (via the help of an ENT and Allergist on her team) and NO tongue- tie surgery and NO tongue placement therapy and NO swallowing therapy and NO orthodontic treatment. It WORKS!!
Note: OMT never takes the place of orthodontics.












A great visual of how tonsils and adenoids block and restrict nasal airways and can displace the tongue resulting in an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD) of an incorrect oral rest posture.

May 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfranklin @ 9:30 am

This is why Dr. Honor Franklin at Honor Franklin Myofunctional & Speech Clinic refers all patients to an Allergist AND ENT on her team who understand OMDs before any orofacial myofunctional therapy is ever initiated. In her almost 44 years of specializing in OMDs, she has learned the PRIMARY cause of OMDs is unresolved nasal airway issues and habit with reduced muscle strength – not tongue ties. She works on habit and reduced muscle strength but needs to know if any airway issues are present which must be addressed before she ever initiates any therapy. She never wants to get caught up in treating the EFFECT and ignoring the CAUSE or she would be setting her patients up for failure which she refuses to do!






April 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfranklin @ 2:59 pm

Lip biting is another example of an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD) that needs to be eliminated since it can act as a functional orthodontic appliance that can further exacerbate a dental over jet and open bite.

Lip biting is usually caused by unresolved nasal airway issues and/or habit and reduced muscle strength. This clinician only works on habit and reduced muscle strength so depends on the findings of an Allergist and ENT on her team who understand OMDs to determine if it is due to unresolved nasal airway issues or due to habit and reduced muscle strength. She was found to have unresolved nasal airway issues. Since nasal airway issues are the primary cause of OMDs- not tongue tie-no patient is ever allowed to initiate any therapy at this clinic until they have been evaluated by an Allergist and ENT on my team.







How long does it take to eliminate a sucking habit?

March 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfranklin @ 10:16 am

It depends upon FREQUENCY- the number of times the habit is practiced; INTENSITY- the amount or force applied to the teeth during sucking; and DURATION- the total amount of time spent sucking. Plus, the patient has to sincerely want to stop. It took this sweet 9 year old girl 18 months to eliminate her deleterious sucking habit but she did it!! Look at the improvement in her occlusion once she kicked the habit! International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM)CERTIFIED Orofacial Myofunctional Therapists know how to eliminate sucking habits using positive reinforcement and no hurtful dental appliances. An increase in my patients’ self esteem and pride is also achieved.

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