This is Part 3 of my 46 year old female patient referred by the orthodontist, Dr. Evan Wilson of Wilson Orthodontics. Notice the gradual improvement in her lips and chin. Initially, she presented with an open mouth posture and low resting posture of her tongue due to nasal airway issues. A referral to an ENT revealed no nasal obstruction but a referral to an Allergist revealed she had strong Perennial Allergic Rhinitis and Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis allergies and allergy medication was prescribed to control her allergies. Once she was able to control her allergies by following the allergists’s recommendations precisely, she was enrolled in Dr. Honor Franklin‘s Traditional Formal orofacial myofunctional therapy program with our goal being to teach a normal oral rest posture of the tongue and lips and normal swallowing pattern in order to assist the orthodontist in achieving a stabilized occlusion. Kudos to a terrific patient!
***(If you missed Part 1 where I introduced this patient, catch it or go HERE and Part 2 go HERE)