We are VERY excited to announce an online advanced course, the Honor System MYO Lip Competence Course is here! Learn a new, proven, revolutionary advanced myofunctional therapy program for 5 to 12-13 year olds created by an orofacial myofunctional therapy expert based on her almost 5 decades experience specializing in Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs). Learn the secrets of how to provide excellent patient care, get awesome results, attract new referrals, and increase your profitability. It's time to invest in yourself, your patients and your career.
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Zickefoose Lip Exerciser (ZLE)
The Zickefoose Lip Exerciser is made of soft, yet firm, nontoxic plastic that will exercise the entire orbiculares oris. The exerciser is shaped to the lips so it will be comfortable and create a minimum contraction of the mentalis, thus being far superior to the button being used by many therapists. The ZLE is an excellent tool for eliminating mouth breathing
***We now offer 2 sizes, a thicker one like Bill Zickefoose did and a thinner one that Dr. Honor Franklin made. Both cost the same but are used for different patients - age, shortened upper lip, etc. Most everyone likes the “thin” (pink or red string”) ones we use those on most of our children patients and we have a “thicker” (“blue string”) exerciser as well that we use on some adults but a lot of our adults use the pink or red string ones as well. The difference between our exercises is in the thickness of the material and they are 1mm different.
Cost $20 per exerciser + Shipping -We use flat rate shipping box and usually fit about 25 in a box. (If orders are over 25 there is additional shipping costs for additional boxes)
Tongue Thrust Swallow Sequence Posters
There’s no way I could explain a correct vs. incorrect resting posture or swallowing pattern to patients, parents or referral sources without these posters created by Bill Zickefoose. They are invaluable! two posters measure 22.5 (L) X 17 (H) each, come laminated.
Cost $90.00 for the set plus shipping.
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